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Caveats: What sponsors need to know
Caveats: What sponsors need to know

A caveat is an additional condition or requirements that the employer or the visa applicant must meet when a nomination is A caveat is an additional condition or requirements that the employer or the visa applicant must meet when a nomination is...

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How the US election may affect Australia
How the US election may affect Australia

I'm Sophia, Brand Manager of CML and CMT, and I have a confession to make: I don't know much about politics—let alone international politics. However, when a polarising figure like Mr. Trump makes his way back into the White House, I felt the need...

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Understanding S56 and 57
Understanding S56 and 57

When companies submit sponsor applications to the Department of Home Affairs, they may receive communications under Section 56 (s56) or Section 57 (s57) of the Migration Act 1958. It's essential to understand the distinctions and implications of...

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