Australia still has a lot of job opportunities due to the labour shortage in a couple of sectors. However, attracting internationals to Australia on a sponsorship visa involves a number of strategies and considerations since this process should be agreed to by both parties – the sponsoring company and the visa applicant.
Below are a couple of tips that can facilitate the approach and negotiation between sponsors and employees:
- Streamline the sponsorship process by providing a clear guidance in relation to the process and future pathways towards Permanent Residency as well as simplifying the sponsorship process.
- Investment in marketing campaigns aiming to reach talents, promote Australia as a destination for skilled professionals and lifestyle.
- Good communication channels capable to connect international applicants to Australian employers and facilitate the interactions between employers and potential visa applicants.
- Create an effective recruitment process that would find the right talents which would justify the investment on sponsorship programs.
By focusing on these strategies, Australia can effectively attract and retain skilled international talent, contributing to economic growth and addressing skills shortages across various sectors.