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3 most asked questions with VETASSESS Skills Assessments

Aug 11, 2023 | AUS | 0 comments

The process of obtaining a skills assessment for trades occupations involves several intricacies that may not always be a straightforward process. At times, clients encounter challenges in presenting payslips or reference letters due to various reasons. This article aims to provide guidance on alternative approaches to ensure a successful skills assessment.

Your previous employer has closed and stopped its activities.

In scenarios where your former employer is no longer accessible – perhaps due to the closure of the company – alternative financial documentation can be provided. If you are unable to contact your previous employer, either due to business closure or other reasons, alternative forms of financial evidence can be submitted. These may include taxation documents, superannuation statements, work permits, and bank statements reflecting the employer’s name and salary deposits.

For those applying in a general professional occupation, you may provide contracts, letters of promotion, and comparable documents. Including proof of the company’s closure, such as registration information can also help.

However, it is important to note that for Trades applications, VETASSESS does not accept statutory declarations. In such cases where the company no longer exists, you can provide a reference or service statement from a prior supervisor who might now be employed elsewhere. This statement must be supported by evidence affirming their role as your supervisor during your employment.

Your employer won’t provide a statement of service in line with the requirements.

Should your employer fail to provide a Statement of Service in accordance with VETASSESS requirements, you can provide contracts, letters of promotion, and comparable records. Again, providing official evidence of the cessation of the employer’s operations can contribute positively to your application.

Self-Employment in Home Country

For those who are self-employed in their home country, a letter from a registered or chartered accountant is essential to demonstrate the management of your financial and tax obligations.

VETASSESS requires evidence of tax payments for each year of self-employment, accompanied by additional financial records like invoices. Bank statements for the respective years, along with statements from clients or third parties corroborating your self-employment, will also help.

Assisting You through the Skills Assessment Journey

Before you apply for a skills assessment with VETASSESS, talk to a migration lawyer. We are here to provide tailored guidance based on your unique circumstances.