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Impact of Outcome 2 for migration purposes

May 19, 2024 | AUS | 0 comments

The Outcome 2 released with the Department of Home Affairs budget 24-25 has the objective of “Support a united and prosperous Australia through effective coordination and delivery of immigration and citizenship policy and programs underpinned by robust integrity and assurance.”

The programs brought by Outcome 2 suffered a slight reduction on its budget expenses, dropping from $2,580,893,000 to $2,550,708,000 in comparison to FY 23-24. 

The most affected program was the 2.3: Refugee, Humanitarian Settlement and Migration Services, with $86,650,00 reduction. 

Other programs also suffered a slighter reduction of:

  • 2.1 Migration: $2,510,000
  • 2.5 Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship: $5,708,000

On the other hand, other programs increased their budget expenses in:

  • 2.2 Visas: $24,027,000
  • 2.4 UMA Offshore Management: $40,656,000

This shows a slight change in priorities for the coming financial year. 

Key activities under each of the programs:

2.1 Migration

  • maintaining program integrity and intention
  • delivering the migration program consistent with planning levels set and adjusted
  • by the Government
  • delivering and implementing outcomes of the Migration Strategy and the Rapid
  • Review into the exploitation of Australia’s Visa system
  • Supporting Australian employers to address skills shortages not able to be met locally, through strengthened visa and migration settings
  • addressing migrant worker exploitation through increased safeguards and protections, and improvements in compliance and enforcement
  • countering divisive rhetoric through enhanced community engagement and promotion of Australian values
  • finalising visa applications within applicable standards and according to priority processing directions
  • providing support services to new migrants to facilitate their transition into Australian society.

2.2 Visas

  • supporting Australia’s economic development and needs through sustainable growth in temporary visa programs addressing regional labour shortages and supporting skilled migration
  • ensuring temporary entry programs include controls to minimise health risks, threats and costs to the Australian community
  • ensuring temporary entry does not increase risks to the security and good order of Australia or undermine the integrity of visa programs, through the application of public interest criteria, character provisions and cancellation powers
  • increasing the use of technology and intelligence to facilitate the movement of legitimate travellers, and detect and deter those who pose a risk to the Australian community and national interest
  • pursuing system and capability improvements in order to effectively manage the growth in temporary entry caseloads finalising visa applications within applicable standards and according to priority processing directions.

3.3 Refugee, Humanitarian Settlement and Migrant Services

  • delivering the Humanitarian Program within planning levels set by the Government, and maintain program integrity and intention
  • resettling humanitarian entrants living in protracted or refugee-like situations who are in need of protection
  • providing visa pathways to eligible people in Australia who engage Australia’s protection obligation
  • delivering settlement support services to refugees and vulnerable migrants to build skills and knowledge to socially and economically participate in the Australian community
  • continuing to develop policy, and design and implement programs and procedures to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and integrity of the Humanitarian Program and improve settlement and integration outcomes

3.4 UMA Offshore Management

  • – supporting regional processing partner countries to manage regional processing arrangements, including to determine the refugee status of transitory person, regional processing infrastructure and services for transitory persons under regional processing arrangements
  • – delivering capacity and capability development for regional processing partner countries to support their implementation of regional processing arrangements
  • – supporting partner countries to provide durable migration options to transitory persons through resettlement, assisted voluntary return, and removal
  • – providing logistical support to resettlement partner countries to provide durable migration outcomes for transitory persons
  • providing supplementary settlement support to connect transitory persons to migration options, assist them to become settlement ready and achieve accelerated settlement outcomes in resettlement partner countries
  • delivering capacity and capability development to regional partners to support humanitarian and settlement outcomes

2.5 Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship

  • delivery of the multicultural and citizenship programs within the parameters set by the Government
  • supporting a strong and cohesive Australian society through the promotion of multiculturalism, Australian values and encouraging active citizenship
  • maintaining citizenship program integrity through assurance activities.

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