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Impact of Outcome 3

May 19, 2024 | AUS | 0 comments

Advance a prosperous and secure Australia through trade and travel facilitation and modernization, and effective customs, immigration, maritime and enforcement activities across the border continuum

Outcome 3 of the budget handed down on Tuesday 14th May 2024 relates to advancing “a prosperous and secure Australia through trade and travel facilitation and modernization, and effective customs, immigration, maritime and enforcement activities across the border continuum.” 

A slight increase for 2024-2025 Budget (by comparison to Estimated Actual results for 2023-2024) was announced for the following programs. 

  • Trade Facilitation and Industry Engagement 
  • Border Management 
  • Border Force Enforcement 
  • Average Staffing Level 

A slight decrease for 2024-2025 Budget (by comparison to Estimated Actual results for 2023-2024) was announced for the following programs. 

  • Border Force Revenue  
  • Onshore Compliance and Detention 

What can we expect?  

Trade Facilitation and Industry Engagement 

Effective trade and travel policy and regulation and effective administration of border revenue processes, in order to advise Australia’s economic interests to support the Government’s trade agenda and reduce the impact of policies on the legitimate movement of goods.  

Border Management 

Effective trade and travel policy and regulation and effective administration of border revenue processes, in order to protect our sovereignty as a nation and support legitimate border movements and compliance with border controls.  

Border Revenue collection 

Effective trade and travel policy and regulation and effective administration of border revenue processes in order to reduce revenue evasion and protect Australia’s economic interests by way of effective administration and collection of border charges and duty.  

Border Enforcement 

Effective border security, maritime surveillance and response activities, and management of the Immigration Detention Network, in order to protect our sovereignty as a nation and prevent the illegal movement of people, goods and illegal activity in our maritime domain, including a renewed commitment to detect, deter and disrupt maritime people smuggling via Operation Sovereign Borders.

Onshore Compliance and Detention 

Effective border security, maritime surveillance activities, and management of the Immigration Detention Network to protect our sovereignty as a nation and ensure adherence to the entry and stay requirements.  


Whilst no material changes were announced to the programs as above resulting from the 2024-2025 measures, the measures as part of Outcome 3 demonstrate a continued commitment to fostering a safe and secure Australia through trade and travel modernization and protection of our borders.