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Could Skilled Migration help your business?

Dec 5, 2024 | AUS | 0 comments

The Skilled Stream of the Migration Program is designed to attract migrants who contribute significantly to the Australian economy, and fill positions where no Australian workers are available.

Sponsoring a skilled migrant is a potential solution to fill a specialised role in your business that can’t be filled by the local labour market, however, many small businesses avoid the process due to the perceived complexity of the process.

According to recent findings conducted by the NSW Government, Small Business Commission Survey, more than half of businesses considering sponsoring a skilled migrant did not know where to start or found the process too confusing.  1 in 2 businesses that required staff did not consider sponsoring a skilled migrant due to the perceived complexity, however, 3 out of 4 businesses that went through the process successfully hired a skilled migrant.

If you have attempted to fill a vacancy with the local labour market, and were unable to, you may consider sponsoring a migrant if you satisfy the eligibility criteria. As specialist migration lawyers, we can help you navigate the employer sponsored visa process and assist you in understanding which visa category is suitable for your business.